Boise's Fitness Equipment Outfitter

23 High-Protein Breakfasts to Keep You Full All Morning

Most of us have no problem getting in our daily dose of protein—in fact, we might be consuming even more of it than we need. But it turns out it’s not just about how much protein we eat. Studies show that the way we distribute our intake through the day can have significant effects on how it’s synthesized by our muscles. Solution? Divide protein evenly among all three meals—and especially after a workout—rather than cramming it into one. Registered dietitian Elizabeth Jarrard recommends starting at breakfast, with 10 to 30 grams. Bonus: More protein in the a.m. will keep you full and help you avoid mindless midmorning snacking.

Check out these 23 recipes that fall within Jarrard’s parameters—no protein powders necessary.


To read more about some delicious high protein breakfasts, click here!

Social Media and the Climate of Fitness

It’s become fashionable, almost expected, to poke fun at the #fitspiration crowd. The messages are counterproductive, the status updates reek of insecurity, the list goes on. Even magazines with no business in fitness are getting into the act with headlines like these: “People who post their fitness routine to Facebook have psychological problems, study claims.”

There is some truth to these claims, but before jumping on the hater’s high horse, consider this: fitness has always been a social endeavor. Even before the first Olympic games more than 2500 years ago, health, fitness, and nutrition have been closely tied to status, competition, and even divinity. As the times have changed, our victory shout has become our status update and olive wreaths have become Facebook ‘likes,’ but human nature is the same.

The internet allows for new ways to share information and create relationships, and it is up to us to leverage these relationships in a productive way, just like the physical culture clubs of the early 2000s, the Persian zurkhaneh, and the Greek gymnasia have done in times past.


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7 Amazing Benefits of Meditation

As a practice of mind and body, meditation focuses on the interaction among the body, brain, soul, and behavior. Meditation’s amazing benefits are numerous and here are just seven to show you where this practice can take you.

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Do Cheat Days Work? The Cheat Day Cheat Sheet

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about cheat days. Mainly, I’ve been getting asked if they actually work.

The short answer is YES, they do. I’ll explain why later in the article. But for now, the important thing to know is that, if done correctly–for example, the Feast/Fast model–taking a planned day off from your diet can help you lose fat much, much faster. In fact, I believe it so much that I have the cheatiest cheat days around.

I’ve become known for my love of such days. And so today, instead of talking to you about my favorite foods, I thought I’d just give you a break down that can serve a few purposes.

Firstly, if you’re still on the fence about whether or not to cheat, this post will help you decide if it’s for you; please note that his particular point is made in a different manner in my article defending cheat days, so you should check that out, as well.

Secondly, if you do decide to use cheat days, you may find yourself in the position of being asked why you use them and how this works.


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25 High-Protein Dinners That Don’t Involve Chicken (for Once)

You know the feeling. You spent your weekend inhaling one too many slices of pizza for dinner, capped off with bagels smothered in cream cheese for breakfast, and now your body is practically begging you to give the carbs a break. So, what’s for dinner? A meal that’s high in protein. It’s just that we’re a little sick of eating grilled chicken with steamed broccoli every night. Not that we don’t love chicken (we do!), but when it’s nested on our plates at least four times a week, our taste buds get tired. It’s time to pull out of the Perdue rut and find out just how tasty a high-protein dinner can be.

So what exactly counts as “high protein”?


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Whey Protein Benefits: All You Need To Know

Whey protein, along with creatine are the most popular supplements in the industry. More and more, people consume protein before and after workouts and even as a snack. It’s very common to see people in the locker room shaking their magic potions.
Gymaholic explains you all you need to know about whey protein.


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Why You Need to Spend More Time with the People Who Make You Better

In the worlds of fitness, self-improvement, and entrepreneurialism, one seemingly universal notion is this:“you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

While there’s certainly, at least, a hint of insipid ideological phraseology inherent in any universalism, this one in particular has merit.

You are–without question–a product of your environment, and the people with whom you choose to surround yourself will, as a matter of course, have a tremendous influence on everything from your ambition and the energy you’re willing to expend to achieve it, to the way you speak and present yourself.


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Triathlon Training: Find Your Breath in the Water

“If I could swim I would totally try a triathlon!”

Is this you? Do you feel like you are doomed to the world of cycling and running because of the whole swimming thing? You are not alone. Sadly, swimming is an all too common stumbling block for a lot of potential triathletes. It doesn’t have to be.

Swimming is the least natural discipline of the bunch, and the most technical, but it is also a very learnable skill. Developing your swim fluency quickly is about knowing how and where to spend your energy early on so you can get to the part of swimming that really matters: feeling comfortable and enjoying it.

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