It’s been almost two decades since CrossFit emerged from a small gym in Santa Cruz, California, and it’s been growing like a weed ever since. The reason why is no surprise: Millions swear by it as the hardest, best damn workout you’ll ever do.
Count RSP Nutrition athlete Hannah Eden among those who was transformed. The founder and owner of PumpFit Club in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is a believer in many of the principles and tenets of CrossFit, building not just her own athletic, rock-hard physique, but taking her clients through the challenging paces of a WOD—that’s shorthand for “workout of the day” to neophytes.
From these grueling daily challenges, you can learn a helluva lot about training, whether you’re ready to train for the Open each spring or just borrow some basic elements for your own routine. Here, Eden shares five of her favorite CrossFit-inspired ways supercharge any fitness regimen.
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