Boise's Fitness Equipment Outfitter

3 Yoga Poses to Relieve Tight Hamstrings

Whether you’re a runner, a weight lifter, or a living-room-workout-when-I-can girl, at some point or another, your hamstrings have been tight. Tight hamstrings can make your hips, lower back, and even your knees hurt.

Your hamstrings are the muscles in the back of your thighs. Each leg has 4 hamstrings. These muscles are responsible for flexing your knees. (Stand on your right leg and put your hand on the hamstrings of your left leg. Bring the left heel up toward your butt and let it back down slowly. As you do, you’ll feel the hamstring working.)

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The 24 Killer Bodyweight Moves for Your Butt

News flash: Your glutes exist for better reasons than just looking good in those apple-bottom jeans. The major muscle group (made up of your gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus) is a key player in explosive movements like jumping and sprinting. A strong butt can also help relieve low-back pain and make everyday movements—like standing and climbing stairs—that much easier.

To get the most out of those glutes, strengthen them with these bodyweight exercises, courtesy of Brynn Putnam, certified trainer and founder of Refine Method. You won’t need any equipment, though a few require a step or sturdy chair, and for some, you can up the intensity by holding medium-size kettlebells or dumbbells in each hand.

At the end, you’ll find a bodyweight workout with five simple moves to strengthen your butt in less than 20 minutes.

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