Boise's Fitness Equipment Outfitter

How Much Do I Have to Exercise to Lose Weight?

Thirty to 45 minutes of intense exercise. Boom—there’s your answer. If you want to just take that info and (literally) run with it, be our guest. But you strike us as the inquisitive type, so we’ll explain why this length of time and toughness appears to work best for weight loss.

When it comes to dropping pounds, working out can be both a blessing and a curse: Burning more calories than you take in is, of course, the basic recipe for weight loss—and exercise can definitely help with the burning part. But depending on the kind of workout you do, it may also trigger hunger hormones that lead to overeating, or at least to replacing the calories you torched during your sweat session.

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Thoughts We Have All Had During Cardio

I’m pretty sure most of us know that cardio is fantastic for increasing our fitness level and for helping our bodies to burn calories. As you ladies may know, my favourite type of cardio is walking and I tend to listen to music or watch TV while I’m walking on the treadmill, it helps keep cardio boredom away! Making cardio more effective AND keeping it interesting can be a bit of a juggling act.

I know plenty of BBG girls struggle to stay focused on their cardio for a full 35-40 minutes, and I’m sure many of us have had some of these thoughts while we’re doing it!

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3 Yoga Poses to Relieve Tight Hamstrings

Whether you’re a runner, a weight lifter, or a living-room-workout-when-I-can girl, at some point or another, your hamstrings have been tight. Tight hamstrings can make your hips, lower back, and even your knees hurt.

Your hamstrings are the muscles in the back of your thighs. Each leg has 4 hamstrings. These muscles are responsible for flexing your knees. (Stand on your right leg and put your hand on the hamstrings of your left leg. Bring the left heel up toward your butt and let it back down slowly. As you do, you’ll feel the hamstring working.)

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Nutrition Myth: Women Don’t Need That Much Protein

You’ve probably gotten some mixed messages about protein. On the one hand, you know you’re supposed to eat more of it. But, you’ve also heard that you shouldn’t eat too much protein or it will make you bulky. The truth is, protein is important for every system in the body. Protein is digested into amino acids and dipeptides, it grows muscle tissue, hair, and nails. It’s important for hormone regulation and, just like fiber, protein is important for satiety.*

One thing protein won’t do? Suddenly turn you into a hulk monster. Women just don’t have the hormonal profile to be as muscular as men. That said, if you’re actively trying to build muscle and get leaner, more protein in your diet may help you reach that goal.


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How to Juggle Life and Fitness

Juggling your home life, demanding career, and workouts can be challenging. Unless you are a full-time athlete, you almost never have the time you need or want to train. Even if you have a solid routine, projects, dinner meetings, and the ever-growing email inbox can distract you from working on your fitness. It’s hard, I get it! Here are few of my top tips for staying more active during your work day and finding time to incorporate fitness into your work week. 

Maximize your mornings
Tackling a morning workout gives me the confidence I need to take on the overbooked calendar in the office. If I take care of me first thing, I can focus my energy on everyone and everything else during the work day.

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In many cities, fitness studios offering specialized classes are becoming ubiquitous. To stand apart from each other, these boutique gyms offer ultra-unique classes—sometimes, the crazier-sounding, the better. In LA (where I live), you can balance your way through a workout on a surfboard that’s actually on sand, hang from the ceiling on “silks” during an aerial yoga class, or bounce for an hour of cardio on your own mini trampoline.

Even if your city has yet to offer such a buffet of classes, you can probably still find a nice variety to choose from. Spin, Zumba, yoga, kickboxing, even Pound are in most bigger gyms.

The trouble with all these fun classes, though, is trying them can be intimidating! No one wants to be caught struggling or look like they don’t know what they’re doing. We like to stay in our comfort zones. The best way to beat the intimidation factor? Just try it!

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Should You Lift Weights to Lose Weight?

“Muscle weighs more than fat.” You’ve probably heard that phrase a million times before. And although it’s false (a pound is a pound), you may have taken it to mean you should stay far, far away from the weight rack if you’re trying to drop pounds. We get where you’re coming from, but it’s not exactly that cut and dry.

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The 41 Hardest Ab Exercises

Think you’re hardcore — or that you have a hard core? Prove it! These 41 midsection-mangling moves are some of the most advanced on the planet. They’ll help strengthen your torso from a variety of angles and in a variety of ways so you’ll be ready for all the movements initiated by your core — which is just about every move you make!

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45 Insanely Effective TRX Exercises

It’s time to ditch the dumbbells, kick the kettlebells, and forget about those weight-training machines. OK, maybe not permanently, but at least long enough to add something new to your fitness routine: TRX training techniques.

Invented by a former U.S. Navy SEAL, the TRX (short for total-body resistance exercise) turns every exercise into a challenge for the core by using two very accessible resources: gravity and our own bodyweight. All you have to do is anchor the TRX straps to a secure spot (think a weight machine, a door frame, or even monkey bars or a basketball hoop pole if you’re getting creative) and use either your feet or hands—depending on the exercise—to hold onto the straps.

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7 Dessert Recipes With Zero Added Sugar (Seriously, Not Even Honey)

By now we know that most of the world consumes way too much sugar. But it’s not like our sweet tooth cares—when a dessert craving hits, it hits bad. Many turn to alternative ways to satisfy it, using less-refined sugars like agave, honey, and coconut sugar, but we’re going a step further this time, with treats that use no added sweeteners whatsoever. From tarts to mousse, these sugar-free recipes still manage to make dessert even sweeter.

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How to Stop Muscle Cramps in Their Tracks

Whether you call them cramps, stitches, or just pains in the butt, muscle spasms put a serious damper on any workout—especially considering they usually strike without warning.

No one is immune to muscle cramps. Your calf muscles, hamstrings, quads, arms, and abs are most likely to be affected. There are plenty of possible culprits too, including being dehydrated, having poor blood circulation, not stretching enough, or just fatiguing your muscles. The news only gets worse: Cramps can occur up to six hours after exercising (talk about a sneak attack!); the notorious charley horse often happens in the middle of the night—and you thought nightmares were bad. Luckily, scientists have found things you can do to prevent and stop muscle cramps in their tracks

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The Worst Diet Tips Top Nutrition Experts Have Ever Heard

It seems like every time you turn around there’s a new diet trend demanding you become a devotee in order to stay healthy. With all the high-fat this and dairy-free that out there, the world of healthy eating can seem totally confusing.

Luckily, distinguishing the best advice from the bulls**t just got a lot easier. We asked top nutrition experts for the worst diet tips they’ve ever heard—and what we should be doing instead.

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