Boise's Fitness Equipment Outfitter
Hampton EZ Curl Bar

Price: $209.00

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Product Details


The 49CE Bar | International Olympic Curl Bronze Bushing Bar with Hard Chrome | 4′ | 28 mm.

This 49″ Curl Bar is ready to take on any commercial setting and environment! Equipped with a 28 mm. shaft and rubber end caps its ready for the marathon pace of pumping iron!

Includes: One 49” Olympic bar

Construction: Cold Rolled Carbon Q235 steel.

Tensile Strength: 83,000 PSI rating

Grip Diameter: 1.10” (28 mm.)

Gripping Area Length: 32.13” from shoulder to shoulder

Hash Marks: Single ring Olympic hash marks

Finish: Electroplated Chrome bar shaft and sleeves

Bar Rotation: Bronze Bushing

Sleeves: 7.6” Long X 1.97” Diameter

Sleeve Assembly: Compression pin

End Caps: Rubber- to protect plate loading and end users as well as flooring

Plate Compatibility: Olympic plates with 2” center hole ONLY

Weight: 20 lbs.

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