Boise's Fitness Equipment Outfitter

10 Ways to Tell Good Pain From Bad Pain

Pain may start as a minor tweak or a twinge. At first it may hurt only when you move a certain way, but it soon morphs into a chronic pain. From knees to shoulders to elbows to ankles and every other body part, an active lifestyle makes it likely that you’ll experience inexplicable aches or pains. Figuring out when it’s safe to work through the pain or when to stop and see a doctor can be difficult. “Pain is a protective mechanism to avoid damage,” says Steven Gausewitz, M.D., chief of staff at Hoag Orthopedic Institute in Irvine, California. “Whenever you have substantial pain, it’s a sign you’re doing too much or doing it too fast.” We’ve compiled the most common workout pains and explained how to tell the difference between those you can work through and those that may be damaging. To read more click here!